I have a pair of recordings out on the wonderful label October House! The first is Us Alone: a duet between a cellist and a pair of Sound Icons - retuned, upended grand pianos that are bowed with nylon and, in this piece, struck with spoons.
It’s a Filthy Lucre project, that stemmed from our Radulescu concert and exhibition back in 2016. Rolf Hind then brought us in for a follow up at Occupy The Pianos, where he commissioned this piece. Originated by the amazing Zoe Martlew, with Ben Smith joining me on Sound Icons, the piece was conceived as a partner piece to Radulescu’s Intimate Rituals. But where that work inhabits a kind of static transcendence, mine is always pushing upwards, struggling towards something. Enormous thanks are due to both cellists: Zoe, without whom the piece would never have happened, and Séverine, whose remarkable and committed playing you hear on this record. Sadly, in 2022, we had to get rid of the Sound Icons. My cellar, where they were stored, flooded, and long-term storage in London proved far too expensive. October House gamely sprung to the rescue, putting on the recording session for Us Alone and an improvised concert. That concert is now released as Fourth Act, featuring me, Ben Smith, Colin Alexander, Rocío Bolaños, and Angela Wai Nok Hui. Both discs are available exclusive from October House.
I’m going to be heading up to York next month to rehearse my new piece Absence with the wonderful Micklegate Singers. They commissioned me to set a beautiful Quaker funerary text by William Penn. They will be giving it premiere at York's Late Music series on December 3rd at 1pm, please do join us. The piece I’ve written builds on my deep interest in the rituals we create around death. This interest first surfaced in my piece Ceasing for Sansara, which used stories of death to build a kaleidoscopic, personal text from the choir’s experiences and my own.
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October 2024
All photographs by Ilme Vysniauskaite