I haven’t updated this website with new work for sometime. I’ve been in limbo.
I was in a bad accident in August. I was out of work for two months, but I could compose (I met my deadlines and kept my sanity) and I could practice chess (I bumped my chess.com ELO from c1100 to c1350). I was also able to submit applications. Having dealt me a pretty horrible blow, luck decided it would take my side thereafter. I got Arts Council funding for Filthy Lucre’s Hurricane Bells project, a place on the National Youth Choir’s Young Composer Scheme, and a further exciting opportunity that is yet to be made public. This has left me in an odd place over the winter. Returning to work is hard, catching up on old projects and rushing to meet stubbornly immobile deadlines. Due to my injuries, I haven’t been able to restart performance, meaning that my EP Flim Flam has been on hold since its debut at Artificial Hells in the summer. While writing new works for the London Symphony Orchestra and for Milos Milojevic has been stimulating, it’s been a long time since my last performance. That has left me feeling disconnected from my work. That’s about to change!
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October 2024
All photographs by Ilme Vysniauskaite